Arc Around the World Fair for Care Coordinators
Join us for a fun, interactive fair for Care Coordinators! Learn about all of the services The Arc of Monroe provides including:
- Arc Health Clinical Services – OT, PT, Speech, Nutrition, Social Work, Psychiatry
- Residential – 30 locations throughout Monroe County
- Day Habilitation – 5 locations supporting people with various support needs
- Employment Readiness – 5 pre-vocational options
- Supported Employment
- Other services including respite, comm hab, Health Homes care management, family cash reimbursement, guardianship & more
May 7th, 2019
11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
at The Arc of Monroe
2060 Brighton-Henrietta Townline Road
To register, fill out the form below, or
call 585-672-2222, or email: