Information Session: Person Centered Language
Information Session for teachers, special education staff and care coordinators
Topic: Person Centered Language
Training synopsis:
Language is the most important way we show respect to each other. As the words we use continue to evolve , it’s important to be aware of the labels and stereotypes that language perpetuates. We’ll have an interactive discussion on how we can use language that is respectful and inclusive, and why this is important.
Language is the most important way we show respect to each other. As the words we use continue to evolve , it’s important to be aware of the labels and stereotypes that language perpetuates. We’ll have an interactive discussion on how we can use language that is respectful and inclusive, and why this is important.
Presenter: Brian Potvin, Arc of Monroe – Personal Outcome Measures Interviewer
Where: 2060 Brighton Henrietta Townline Rd. 14623
When: Thursday, November 21st, 2019, 3pm – 4pm
RSVP: Reserve your spot today by filling out the form below or by contacting Matt Fico at (585)672-2222 or
Space is limited and reservations are required
**Free snacks provided by the ArcDeli**