Webinar for housing

WEBINAR For Care Coordinators: Housing Enrollment and Placement through OPWDD

WEBINAR FOR CARE COORDINATORS Topic: Webinar on Housing Enrollment and Placement Process through Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) At this Lunch and Learn event, we will review the steps that OPWDD uses when determining referrals for eligibility, recommendations and placement of people in certified and non-certified housing options within NY State. Presenters: Vacancy Management Team Members from the Regional DDRO/OPWDD Office Where: Online, Web-ex webinar When: Friday, May 8th from noon-1pm RSVP: Reserve your spot today by completing the form below or  contacting Matt Fico at (585)719-7000 or mfico@arcmonroe.org **Webinar link will be provided to all registrants prior …

Lunch & Learn

Lunch & Learn: Maximizing Benefits and Services

LUNCH & LEARN FOR CARE COORDINATORS Topic: Maximizing Benefits and Services & Care Coordinator Frequently Asked Questions Training synopsis: James Traylor will be discussing the intersection of various public benefits, technical Medicaid questions and special needs trusts. Presenter: James Traylor is the Chartered Special Needs Consultant for Upstate Special Needs Planning. James is a sibling, advocate and professional who has focused his entire professional career in becoming the agency of choice for families planning for a family member with a disability. James regularly provides continuing education or legal, financial and tax professionals on planning for an individual with a disability …