Direct Support Professionals
Passionate about people?
Our new Direct Support Professional hourly rates make it the perfect time for you to find your new career at The Arc of Monroe while empowering people with intellectual and developmental disabilities across Monroe County to live lives of independence. You have the potential to earn up to $22.25 per hour!
New! Direct Support Starting Pay
$19-22.25/hour for Residential ($18.25 for non-drivers)
$18.50/hour for Day Services
Up to $1500 based on location in Day Services & Residential.
- Paid training
- Generous Paid Time Off (PTO)
- Health Insurance with agency contribution
- 9 Paid Holidays
- Retirement plan with Agency match
- Tuition Reimbursement & Employee Referral Bonus
Why Become a Direct Support Professional
Helping those with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) to live in the community, enhancing independence, teaching life skills, and ensuring safety are just some of the ways Direct Support Professional – DSPs – can impact lives across Monroe County. A DSP is collaborative, empathetic and caring.
What Will I Do as a DSP?
Do you like variety? This position may be for you! As a DSP, you get to take those you support on recreational outings like bowling, the movies, amusement parks and other fun excursions. You’ll help with household tasks like laundry, bathing, cleaning, as well as help with special events and other fun activities!
Working as a DSP provides you the opportunity to meet people from all walks of life. You are able to be a part of an individual’s milestones and assist in exposing them to new personal growth opportunities that helps build their ideal life. You will help people to become more independent, and you’ll have self-satisfaction along the way!