Supported Employment Services
The Arc of Monroe offers several Employment Readiness Services that provide various hands-on educational opportunities to prepare people with a variety of disabilities including people with intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDD), Autism spectrum disorders, and learning disabilities.
Our Services
Job Path Employment Training Program
Employment Training Program (ETP) prepares people for employment through various hands-on educational opportunities. ETP is an internship opportunity leading to permanent employment in a community business. Participants are paid while they learn job skills and attend job readiness classes.
Additional Adjunct Services through Job Path
The Arc of Monroe offers several pre-employment services that provide various hands-on educational opportunities for people with a variety of disabilities including people with intellectual or developmental disabilities (I/DD), Autism spectrum disorders, and learning disabilities.
Job Path Supported Employment
Job Path, the largest employment program in the region, supports more than 400 people with a wide variety of disabilities including people with intellectual or developmental disabilities (I/DD), Autism spectrum disorders, and learning disabilities. Our Supported Employment Service is a great option for those looking for hands-on employment support. People are paired with an Employment Specialist who works with them every step of their employment journey.