The Arc of Monroe Occupational Therapy services are provided for anyone in need who is referred by a physician, including persons injured from activities to the individual with a severe orthopedic or neurological problem. It can be provided as a single service or part of a comprehensive rehabilitation program.
Provides a Range of
Services Including:
Evaluation of Occupational Therapy
Evaluation of Adaptive Equipment
Gait or Mobility Training/ Fine Motor Skills
Therapeutic Exercise
ADK Skills
Arc Health Services referral
Active Medicaid
Must be OPWDD Eligible
A prescription is needed from the PCP for this service
To learn more about this service, contact the Operations Treatment Coordinator at (585) 271-0661 or fill out the form below.
at Arc Health Services
Let us support you...
Meet the Occupational Therapists at Arc Health Services
Shari Matthews
Emily Robinson