The Arc of Monroe offers several Employment Readiness Services that provide various hands-on educational opportunities to prepare people with I/DD for meaningful community employment.
LifePrep@Naz is a higher education transitional service for young adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities. It provides opportunities to continue their education and development with peers in a college classroom setting.
LifePrep@Naz is a collaboration between the Arc of Monroe, Victor Central School District, and Nazareth College. Participants attend college classes, participate in vocational internships, and enjoy a vibrant campus social life. Nazareth College students provide academic support, peer mentorship, and friendship.
Quick Facts
- Students learn alongside college peers at Nazareth College
- Nazareth students serve as mentors
- Must be eligible for adult services
- OPWDD eligible and HCBS Waiver enrolled
- Capable of working in a 1:12 staff participant ratio
- Self-manage independently and self-medicate
- Complete independence on campus and surrounding areas
- Ability to manage behavior independently
To learn more about this service, contact the Engagement Coordinator at (585) 672-2222 or fill out the form below.