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Therapy Groups

Therapy groups are held at The Arc of Monroe’s Article 16 Clinic, located at 2060 Brighton Henrietta Townline Road, Rochester, NY 14623.

Current Therapy Groups

DBT Group (Closed Group)

Monday 4:00- 5:00pm

The purpose of group is to assist individuals who struggle with emotional regulation and tolerating distressing situations in a prosocial manner. The group is aimed at providing service to individuals that carry a diagnosis of personality disorder; however, individuals with other mental health diagnoses may benefit. The group is psycho-educational in nature, and utilizes a curriculum that strives to teach individuals a variety of skills in order to assist with improving overall functioning and interpersonal relationships. The teaching modules for DBT group include core mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. Various skills within each of these modules are taught, practiced, and can be measured. Group participants may be asked to complete homework assignments in between group sessions in order to reinforce the skills discussed during session.

This group is facilitated by Delaina Fico, LMSW & Lorie Scalzo, LMSW.

Identity Group

Wednesdays 3:00pm-4:00pm

The identity group meets on a weekly basis for 60 minutes. The group is intended to serve individuals that identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgendered. The goal is not to “change” individual’s identity of LGBT, but rather to provide a safe space to discuss identity issues and personal experiences. To address group goals, members will be encouraged to discuss topics that may include “coming out,” homophobia/heterosexism, being I/DD and LGBT (and the implications of this dual identity in terms of services/supports, relationships with service providers, disclosure issues, etc.), dating/relationships, and advocacy.Due to the sensitive nature of this group, it is recommended for individuals that possess the maturity to adhere to group expectations of confidentiality.

This group is facilitated by Delaina Fico, LMSW and Johnny Sparrow, LMSW.

CBT Group (Closed Group)

Fridays 9:00-10:00 am

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT ) is a short-term treatment method that has been proven to be beneficial in treating anxiety and depression. This psycho-educational group will teach participants how their thoughts affect their feelings and subsequent behavior. They will be assigned homework each week that is designed to help them internalize the central concepts of CBT and recognize the core beliefs, basic assumptions and automatic thoughts that contribute to their present emotional state. This group is open to both men and women who possess an anxiety related diagnosis. This group is facilitated by Ron Follansbee, LMSW.

Anger Management Group

Mondays 2:00-3:00

It will be a psycho- education program for anger prevention and control that will last approximately 6 months and meet weekly. The goal will be to focus on mediation, conflict resolution, general anger management, executive court ordered anger management, marriage & family strategies for successful relationships and general life coaching. This group is facilitated by Johnny Sparrow, LMSW.

Men’s Group

Tuesdays 2:00-2:45

The purpose of Men’s Group is a support group for Men with mild MR. The general goals of the group are to improve interpersonal relationship skills by practicing them with other members of the group. The issues that are discussed have varied widely, but have included anger, communication styles, boundaries, feelings vocabulary, caregiver dynamics, dating relationships, and “how to get the help you want.” The group is designed to cultivate individual independence so that members will learn to assume responsibility for their own needs while concurrently serving others. This group is facilitated Ron Follansbee, LMSW.

For more information, please call the Operations Treatment Coordinator 585-271-0661, or fill out the form for most up-to-date groups.
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