Job Path Employment Training Program (EPT)
The Arc of Monroe offers several Employment Readiness Services that provide various hands-on educational opportunities to prepare people with I/DD for competitive/ community employment. Employment Training Program (ETP) is a discovery process leading to a potential internship opportunity. Internships can create a path to permanent employment in a community business.
What the Program Offers:
- Paid internships for up to 18 months to learn on-the-job skills
- Paid job readiness classes on time management, conflict resolution, dressing to impress, dependability, and other employability skills
- Industry-specific job development training on employment standards, work culture, and technology
- Job coaching to identify skills, abilities and interests
- Must be OPWDD waiver enrolled
- Must complete an application and interview with OPWDD
To learn more about this service, contact Job Path at (585) 256-7330, x2510 or fill out the form below.