Protect Our Medicaid
For decades, New York state has not made adequate investments to sustain the essential programs and services people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) rely on. This systemic underfunding has driven us into a critical staffing crisis and eroded New York’s system of supports for its citizens with IDD.
Sustain and Expand Funding Supports for People with Disabilities
We are calling on Congress to:
- Increase the FMAP for New York state by 10 percentage points. This is in line with the proposal advanced through the Better Care Better Jobs Act. (H.R. 547/S. 100)
- Include an additional and ongoing sustainability investments comparable to the workforce funds received through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), closing the historic funding gap and preventing a fiscal cliff at the end of the funding period.
- Raise SSI asset limits from $2,000 to $10,000 for individuals and from $3,000 to $20,000 for married couples and indexes them to inflation moving forward. (S.2767/H.R.5408)
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