Family Reimbursement
The Arc of Monroe’s Family Reimbursement program is a free service available to anyone with intellectual or developmental disabilities who resides with one or more non-paid family member and can alleviate expenses related to caring for someone with disabilities.
Family reimbursement through the FSS program is provided to help families by easing the expenses of providing care for family members with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities (I/DD).
Expenses available for reimbursement include, but are not limited to: uncovered medical care, recreation, respite, adaptive equipment, and therapies.
- Reimbursement through FSS may only be provided after families have sought funding through all other funding sources (e.g. natural or community resources, insurance / Medicaid, HCBS Waiver, Self-Direction, private sources, early intervention, school services, Department of Social Services, HEAP, etc.).
- Funding through FSS Family Reimbursement is limited and is not guaranteed.
Quick Facts
- Largest service of its kind in Monroe County
- Program structured to have available funds throughout the year
- Annual Arc reimbursement cap is $3,000 (effective 7/1/22).
- Have established OPWDD eligibility
- Reside with one or more non-paid family members
- Reside in Monroe County
Please refer to the updated guidelines for full details and further explanations.
- Completed Universal Family Reimbursement Application Form.
- Verification documentation of OPWDD eligibility.
- Justification of need that indicates a significant, definable, positive impact on the individual/family directly relating to health, safety and emotional well-being, normalization of life, accessibility to needed services, personal growth and/or development of the individual.
- Receipts for the items / services to be reimbursed (must be submitted within 90 days).
- The Arc of Monroe application deadline is the 1st Wednesday of the month with committee review typically on the 2nd Wednesday of the month.
The Arc of Monroe Family Reimbursement Advisory Committee meets monthly to review requests. The Advisory Committee members consists of volunteers who have a developmental or intellectual disability, is a family member of a person with developmental or intellectual disability, community advocates, and Arc of Monroe Program Staff.
Join the Family Reimbursement Advisory Committee!
The Arc of Monroe Family Reimbursement Program helps families caring for a loved one with a developmental disability with access to purchase goods and services needed to support the family member at home and strengthen the quality of life for the person and their family. Requests for the goods and services are reviewed on a monthly basis by the Family Reimbursement Advisory Committee, which includes people with a developmental disability, family members, community advocates, and Arc of Monroe program staff. Interested in joining us? We are looking for new members to join the committee!
To learn more about this service, contact our FR Team at 585-271-0660, x. 1569 or